Nová kniha doc. Garlicka „Advantage China. Agent of Change in an Era of Global Disruption“

Kniha „Advantage China. Agent of Change in an Era of Global Disruption“ se věnuje rostoucímu vlivu Číny ve světě.
Anotace: „The influence of the People’s Republic of China on world affairs is increasingly keenly felt: in Asia, in Africa, in Latin America and in Europe and North America too. But what are the reasons for China’s rise and how can the West adapt? Advantage China explores these essential questions and the political, economic and cultural factors behind the answers. From the economic and demographic pressures of China’s domestic economy to the expanding economic influence of the Belt and Road Initiative, Jeremy Garlick looks beyond Western misperceptions of China’s rise to argue for new approaches to the international political order, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.“
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